common peroneal nerve stimulation

Electric stimulation of left common peroneal nerve at ankle level. Interstimulus interval was 0.5 sec, current was 10nA, and about 250 trials were averaged.

Marked response is seen at vertex.
Isofield contour map 42 msec after stimulus. Inflow flux is shown in blue and outflow flux is shown in red.

Using channels at vertex area, consecutive dipole estimation was executed from 38 to 61 msec by 1msec.

Rotating dipole is observed.

posterior tibial nerve stimulation

Electric stimulation of left posterior tibial nerve at popliteal fossa. Interstimulus interval was 0.5 sec, current was 10nA, and about 250 trials were averaged.

Marked response is seen at vertex.
Isofield contour map 44 msec after stimulus. Inflow flux is shown in blue and outflow flux is shown in red.

Using channels at vertex area, consecutive dipole estimation was executed from 30 to 57 msec by 1msec.

Rotating dipole is observed. Dipoles estimated out of the brain are not shown.