InfoMAX ???


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上記のMファイルとは別にsep.runという部分があります。 スクリプトMファイルではなく、コマンドラインで逐次実行するもののようです。
%*************** setup sources **********
format compact

%**** if you are mixing the sources yourself:

sources=readsounds(['word2';'word1']); % see "help readsounds"
sources=readsounds(['word2';'word1';'whdru';'whis1';'whis2';'wittg';'whdr2';'whdr3']); % see "help readsounds"
% write your own code here, since readsounds looks for audiofiles.
% All you want is a NxP matrix (N=no of mixtures/sources, P=no. of data points)
[N,P]=size(sources); % P=17408, N=2, for example
permute=randperm(P); % generate a permutation vector
s=sources(:,permute); % time-scrambled inputs for stationarity

a=[1 2; 1 1] % mixing matrix, or: a=rand(N);
x=a*s; % mix input signals (permuted)
mixes=a*sources; % make mixed sources (not permuted)

%**** if you are loading already-mixed sources:

mixes=readsounds(['mix2';'mix1']); % see "help readsounds"

%**** sphere the data
mx=mean(mixes'); c=cov(mixes');
x=x-mx'*ones(1,P); % subtract means from mixes
wz=2*inv(sqrtm(c)); % get decorrelating matrix
x=wz*x; % decorrelate mixes so cov(x')=4*eye(N);

%w=[1 1; 1 2]; % init. unmixing matrix, or w=rand(M,N);
w=eye(N); % init. unmixing matrix, or w=rand(M,N);
M=size(w,2); % M=N usually
sweep=0; oldw=w; olddelta=ones(1,N*N);

%************* this learns: "help sep" explains all

L=0.01; B=30; sep % should converge on 1 pass for 2->2 net
L=0.001; B=30; sep % but annealing will improve soln even more
L=0.0001; B=30; sep % and so on

%for multiple sweeps:
L=0.005; B=30; for I=1:10000, sep; end;

mixes=a*sources; % make mixed sources
sound(mixes(1,:)) % play the first one (if it is audio)
plot(mixes(1,:)) % plot the first one (if it is another signal)
uu=w*wz*mixes; % make unmixed sources
sound(uu(1,:)) % play the first one (if it is audio)
plot(uu(1,:)) % plot the first one (if it is another signal)
